

2018.3.15 蜻蛉18-19 Dragonfly 18-19

 Dragonfly 18-19


名前は、“おかめ”に由来する。淡い紅色の1重咲き。花が下を向いているのが特徴。 大木にならず庭植えに向く。 日本銀行側の歩道に植えられていた。


背景の“弘福寺”は、三百余年の昔に創建された。 当寺には、布袋尊の御像が安置されている。布袋尊は、唐時代の実在の禅僧である。(隅田川七福神のコースになっている)





【Bank of Japan and Okamezakura】

The name comes from "Okame". A pale red-colored, single-bloom. It is characterized by flowers facing down. It fits into the garden planting instead of becoming a big tree. It was planted in the sidewalk of the Bank of Japan.

【Mukojima: Kofukuji and cold cherry blossoms】

"Kofukuji" in the background was founded in the past three hundred years. In the temple, the statue of Hodogyo is settled. Hotei Hatsu is a real Zen priest in the Tang Dynasty. (It is a course of the Sumida River Seven Lucky Gods)

【Mukojima Hiyakaen Garden】

As a flower garden that has literary plants in the whole garden and collecting plants in "Manyoshu" and "poem" that are the classics of poetry in Japan and Chinese, it is a flower garden where seasonal flowers are unlikely to grow, Edo citizens prefer the taste of Edo It flourished as a popular flower garden from the era to the Meiji era.


Because there are several meshes in one flower, because there are multiple fruits, it is called "childukukura" in the sense that it has a good treasure. It seems to call "Osaka winter cherry tree" in the Kansai region.

Bank of Japan and Okamezakura

Bank of Japan and Akkura

Mukojima Hiyakaen

 kkb International (有)アトリエ形 環境建築研究室 ㈱環境建築設計工房

