

2016.8.15. 日本敗戦記念日 Japan defeat anniversary.

Japan defeat anniversary.

Symbol is a Japanese citizen of spokesman
Now on the emperor of your words.

本日、「戦没者を追悼し平和を祈念する日」に当たり、全国戦没者追悼式に臨み、さきの大戦において、かけがえのない命を失った数多くの人々とその遺族を思い、深い悲しみを新たにいたします。 終戦以来既に71年、国民のたゆみない努力により、今日の我が国の平和と繁栄が築き上げられましたが、苦難に満ちた往時をしのぶとき、感慨は今なお尽きることがありません。 ここに過去を顧み、深い反省とともに、今後、戦争の惨禍が再び繰り返されないことを切に願い、全国民と共に、戦陣に散り戦禍に倒れた人々に対し、心から追悼の意を表し、世界の平和と我が国の一層の発展を祈ります。

Today, hit the "day to pray for the peace memorial to the war dead", faces the national memorial service for war dead, in the previous war, I think the bereaved family and a number of people who have lost the irreplaceable life, a new deep sadness we will. Already 71 years since the end of the war, by the tireless efforts of the people, but was built peace and prosperity of our country today, when Shinobu the bygone days full of hardship, deep emotion does not have that now still exhausted. Here neglected in the past, with deep regret, the future, the switching to wish that the horrors of war is not repeated again, along with the whole nation, for the people who have fallen in the ravages of war Chile Senjin, sincerely expressed their mourning, of the world we pray for the further development of peace and our country.


Chidorigafuchi memorial place of all the war victims.

株式会社 環境建築設計工房 東京.九段
Environment architectural design studio Corporation.

