

2020.12.09 音楽も色々、みんな頑張っているさ。Everyone is doing their best in music.

Various music

Everyone is doing their best.

ONE OK ROCK 『The Beginning』 歌詞&和訳つき

ONE OK ROCK - The Beginning [Official Music Video]

辻井伸行さん[ベートーヴェン 皇帝]in ニューヨーク2016 Beethoven Piano Concerto Emperor performed by Nobuyuki Tsujii

Against The Current - Dreaming Alone (feat. Taka) [LIVE VIDEO]

Adele - Hello (Cover by Taka from ONE OK ROCK)

鬼滅の刃 × 竈門炭治郎のうた【歌詞付き】

【漫画】『鬼滅の刃』吾峠呼世晴デビュー読切作品。ある殺し屋兄弟の物語がここに‼『文殊史郎兄弟』1話 前編【ジャンプ/ボイスコミック】

Open Arms - Journey • Arnel Pineda x Taka (One OK Rock)

Adele - Set Fire To The Rain

2020.12.08 1941.12.08 真珠湾攻撃 Attack on Pearl Harbor

1941.12.08 真珠湾攻撃Attack on Pearl Harbor

on December 8, 1941, the Japanese army ambushed the US Navy's Pearl Harbor base in Hawaii, and the Pacific War began.

Both Japan and the United States reflect on the folly of war.


2020.12.08    四ッ谷 元陸軍省界隈
Yotsuya Former Ministry of the Army neighborhood

Yotsuya Skyscraper Information

Yotsuya clothing store

Yotsuya Brazilian restaurant

One Ok Rock- Beginning ( Live mix) || Filipina reacts 🇵🇭

Beginning  日本はここから始まる
追加情報 Additional Information

US Army stationed in Japan, Wuhan Cold Code of Conduct

「12月3日から、150キロ圏内の関東平野にある米軍基地の外にあるレストランや飲食店での外食を禁止する指令を発令。 東京、神奈川、千葉、埼玉の人口密集地の立ち入り禁止」

US Army in Japan
"From December 3, a directive was issued to ban eating out at restaurants and restaurants outside the U.S. military base in the Kanto Plain within 150 km. No entry to densely populated areas in Tokyo, Kanagawa, Chiba, and Saitama.

With the spread of corona infection in Tokyo and other areas, the US military has begun to take very strict measures.

2020.12.06 秋だ見に行こう、武漢風邪防備を留意して、文化は負けない。2020.12.06 Let's go to see it in autumn, paying attention to the Wuhan cold defense, the culture will not lose.

2020.12.06 秋だ見に行こう、武漢風邪防備を留意して、文化は負けない。
2020.12.06 Let's go to see it in autumn, paying attention to the Wuhan cold defense, the culture will not lose.
And above all, let's protect the country with the elderly, following TAKA.

Mighty long fall One Ok Rock Guadalajara